Happy Christian Family Sunday everyone!
This week, I wanted to find a family activity, or at least something that most would enjoy. I stumbled across something I had saved for a possible Easter treat and I think it could work for today.
This day is about celebrating all those who are part of your family. And right now, that might just mean those in your household "bubble". It can be hard to find new and exciting things to do with people with whom it seems like you have been stuck forever!!!
Hopefully, this will be something fun to do: colourful pancakes! I think that most of us have had pancakes, some of us have made them and even some who try to made different shapes with them. This is a simple activity, make up your pancake batter and split it into different bowls (one for each colour you want to make).
Now, make up thos epancakes! You can make them one colour, two colours, or more! If you have the supplies, try using a bottle or icing bag to create even more fun shapes. Write your name! Write someone else's name! This is where you can have fun.
Get together and share these wacky, wonderful, colourful pancakes with your family. Or freeze them and eat them when you need something quick.
I hope you can find ways to do something new and fun together and celebrate all shapes and sizes of families!
Peace and love,