It's the long weekend! It might not be the warmest weekend we have had in May but it is traditionally when people first get the chance to go out camping.
Because it is also Pentecost, I thought of something that might combine the bothm and something that would be useful while camping: a lantern!
This might be a bit more involved, but you can decorate it as much or as little as you want! You need to buy a container (I suggest one that had a good handle, like in the photo) which you could get from the dollar store, some tissue paper or paint, a tart tin (this is to glue inside for the candle), and a battery operated candle.
I would glue the tart tin in the bottom of the container, so it will hold the candle (maybe you can even build it up a bit, to ensure that it won't rattle around. Then the fun part: decorate! I suggest either using tissue paper or watered down paint (you want to be able to have the light shine through).
Put in a battery operated candle and voila!
Pentecost speaks of many images: wind, flame, understanding, etc. With this simple lantern, I hope that you can remember some of those images and take them with you as you go out and, hopefully, enjoy the start of outdoor time with those who are special to you.
Be a light for others and walk along with those who need a light. Listen to what people are saying and don't ignore them because you might not fully understand.
Peace and love,