I have been posting activities or links to events and books, but for the next few, I just wanted to talk. Well, as much as a blog is talking to people, from a distance.
We have all seen a rock. Maybe just a pebble, something stuck in our shoe. These can be shiny or dull, pointed or round. Rocks are everywhere, enough so that we even have a province whose nickname is "The Rock" (and I think it was even before a person took that name too...).
I was thinking of a book, and forgive me but I cannot remember the title, but it was the story of a girl who learns about her grandmother's special rock. She found it as a child and has kept it for years. It helps her feel strong. It helps her feel happy. It helps her feel better. This rock is special and the girl wants to take it.
But the same rock but not work for more than one person. Everyone needs to find their own. So, the grandmother finds some string and attaches a magnet. She sends the girls out to find a rock. You will feel it and know. She walks back and forth by the house. then, she feels it. Its the call of her own rock.
Maybe we don't all need our own rock to feel special. Maybe its something else like a button or a piece of string. The rock is a reminder that we have something inside us all and when we can harness that, we can do anything.
This picture is from Saskatoon by the river. I just love the image of these colourful rocks by the path where people can see. Some have messages of protest, some just have messages of love.
A rock is simple but it is also special. Maybe we all need our own rock to hold close and remember that we have the power inside to get through anything.
Peace and love,