It's labour day long weekend and some of us want to try to squeeze out one more camping trip. Others might be heading to a game on Sunday....
Kids are also going back to school, most this past week. It has been a crazy few years for our kids. In, then out, then in, then out...it wa shard to keep track of what was happening day to day.
It is going to be scary for some people. Some people are not comfortable with the situation. Others are uncertain but glad to have the social aspect of school again.
Because, yes, it is about learning but it is also about building social networks with our peers, face to face. I think we can all relate to the fact that staring at a screen is not the same as actually seeing someone in person. My uncle told me that a zoom meeting takes twice as much energy as a regular one. Imagine how the kids feel.
Kids are also uncertain. Remember that people are all feeling big feelings. Reach out, maybe at a distance, but reach out to others. We are stronger together and we can make people stronger by showing them that they matter.
Be kind. Be gentle. Be yourself. Be the best person you can.
Peace and love,