When I picture a tree with flowers, I think of this tree from the Lord of the Rings movies. It starts off bare and, by the end, is covered in flowers.
I talked about in the service about a tree that grows a flower when someone does something nice for someone else. It is the idea that we can create a more beautiful world by doing service to others. And that people can see how that service can affect everyone.
Now, it is not always easy to see how the things we do impact others. Wouldn't it be nice to have a tree that illustrates that impact? We just have to believe that by doing these things, we are having an impact on people and the world around us.
In the movie, the tree blooms flowers when the true leader takes their place and makes the land better for it.
I hope you find ways to make the world better and to feel that beauty growing around you. It might not be flowers, especially now as we are entering a new season, but there will be signs. Don't despair if it feels like our tree will never flower. It will. It might not be covered tomorrow but, bit by bit, as we show that love is better that hate, it will grow.
Peace and love,