We all need a healping hand now and then. Sometimes it's for something big, like the picture or it's for something small like allowing ducks to cross the road without running them over.
It is not always easy to offer help and it is not always easy to ask for it. I don't know about you, but I like to be self sufficient. I want to be able to do things on my own, but it is never a bad thing to ask for some help and accept that help when offered.
I remember back in 2006 when I had the opportunity to go to Quebec for a year during university. It was very hard. I did not have the easiest time in university being away from my family for the 1st time. And travelling across the country was very hard. One day, I was walking to choir practice and I was sad. I just wanted to go home. I remember looking up and smiling at someone walking by and then looking away. He stopped and asked me if I was okay. At that moment, I did not feel alone and was able to continue on my way with a lighter step.
People want to help and we need to accept it. Even if it's just a quick question as we pass each other by. God calls us to help each other and we need to try to do that and to accept the help from others. We are not perfect and can stumble. It's together when we can make the biggest challenges smaller.
Here is this week's page to colour.
Peace and love,