This weekend marks the 47th Telemiracle Telethon. Each year, their impact hits me differently and this time I was thinking about its longevity. This has been going on longer than my life and each year the words "higher" and "ring those phones" stirs emotions.
Today, we had a shared service in another building; which can bring its own challenges. But I felt welcomed. It was like coming home.
And that's the thing with Telemiracle, it's coming home. It makes you feel welcome. And it makes you proud that people care about others.
If only governments and countries could understand that: when we work together, we can accomplish so much more. We might only be able to do a little but every little bit counts and can be used for good.
After service, a child brought me this note. We are happy together. Wouldn't that make for a better world?
Peace and love,