Happy Sunday!
This weekend it has really felt like spring and even summer! (It even rained a wee bit.)
Today, I wanted to briefly chat about something that we all deal with, but can be hard to really understand and see: mental health. I am participating in a fundraiser for Kids Help Phone. This is an amazing resource to help out our youth and even adults when they are struggling and they don't quite know who to talk to. Mental health is as important as physical health because it impacts us in ways that we might not see or understand.
In church, we are talking a bit about ascension, which can also be something hard to understand but impacts us as well.
Instead of dealing on the what and why, I wanted to think about ways to show that we can help others and give them a bit of a break. Because we might not really understand how this impacts someone but we can help them by simply listening. This is not something that is easy for a lot of us, because we want to have the solution and we want to help them. Sometimes, all it takes is to listen to show them that you understand they are struggling in some way.
We might not have all the answers, and that's okay. So for now, I am going to listen because it has been hard, and we all need time to process what is happening.
I will be posting three videos today on our facebook page in support of Kids Help Phone. I am not a dancer nor am I a good videographer or editor but it is always fun to just dance!
God is with us, we are not alone. And in times when it feels like it, remember your church family is here too; reach out, talk to someone. You are special, you are loved, and dancing is never a bad thing.
Peace and love,
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