UCC Crest

We are now

Harmony United Church

click here to see our new homepage and information!



Youth Group and Young Adults

Youth Group is open to all ages 11 and up. We meet at least once a month for fun activities and mission initiatives. They also help out with Sunday School and other church events.

There are also young adult events hosted at the church, including confirmation. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

"We need the cooperation of the world’s youth although we come from very diverse backgrounds and movements, no one should be left behind in the societal changes happening around the world and in the churches for we are already being carried into the mainstream of the swift current of social change.

The COVID 19 crisis has taught us a great lesson on how to cooperate with the world’s protocols in order to save lives while there is no vaccine at the moment. Such simple rules in times of crisis like social distancing, wearing mask, washing of hands and staying at home are not followed because of selfish interests and without respect for others. We have to cooperate for our survival and to heal as one.

We can only realize this by doing our compassionate acts together in caring for the future that will not only benefit us but those who are already suffering. With the health crisis and the world’s recession, the youth of today can now work together by helping the most vulnerable in our homefront but at the same time uniting our efforts around the world to push for significant changes leading to the transformation of church and society. The road would be long in changing knowledge, systems and structures that are inappropriate and dysfunctional if we will not act now.

Consider therefore the words coming from tradition and the wisdom of old by our indigenous peoples for you to reflect on as you journey towards fulfilling what motivates you in your faith to become bold enough to make a difference in these challenging times." - Rendez-Vous organisers and participants, August 11-14, 2020


The Youth Group’s goal is to have fun while supporting community initiatives. These young people lead busy lives but they try to meet once a month from September to May. Some annual events include a sleepover at church and a murder mystery

In addition, the Youth Group supports several organizations through fundraising and by volunteering their time. Organizations include, but are not limited to: the Regina Food Bank, the Salvation Army, and Rainbow Youth. The Youth Group also participates in at least one Sunday service a year. This year we are supporting the Kids Help Phone Line by doing the Walk so Kids can Talk.

Michelle plans and leads the activities for the Youth Group with the support of parents. There is always room for more! Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.


Messy Church


We have joined with a group of other churches to create a monthly Messy Church. What is Messy Church? It is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality, and celebration. There will be crafts and games; a celebration (short worship time); and supper!

These will be held once a month, on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. We will rotate the location of each month's event. The first one will be held on Thursday, September 14 at Sunset United Church. Come out and see what it is all about!

See our page on Messy Church for more information!


Lumsden Beach Camp (K-12)

This camp has been open since 1905 (it's as old as the province as Saskatchewan). We have been supporting this camp for many years by sending campers, helpers, cooks, cleaners, leaders, and money. They held camps over the summer and always appreciate our support. Check out their webpage.


The GO Project

In 2007, the youth group of Islington United Church and their minister, Michael Shewburg, began planning for a mission trip overseas. Like many other young people, they sought an experience which would allow them to create change, grow together in faith, and learn more about the world around them.

Finding a partner organization whose values and understanding of theology matched with theirs proved to be difficult, however. Coupled with a growing awareness of the many areas of need in their own community, they decided to create their own service and learning experience in Toronto, and The GO Project was born.

In the 13 years since, The GO Project has facilitated youth programs in Vancouver, Saskatoon, Stratford, Montréal, Halifax, St. John’s, and of course, at Islington United Church in Toronto. 2014 saw the introduction of our Children’s Adventure Camps, which are less intensive than the youth programs, but also strive to help participants recognize how they can create change in the world using their unique gifts and abilities, all while living in community and serving as God’s hands and feet in the world. As of 2019, these week-long day camps have been hosted by faith communities in over twenty-five cities and towns across Canada.

All GO Project programs are safe and affirming spaces for participants, staff, and community members who identify as LGBTQ+, are of racial or cultural minorities, are questioning their faith, longing for a place to belong, and are of all physical and intellectual abilities.

Check them out and see what you can learn.




Regina and Area Youth Group (Grade 7 to 12)

Open to youth entering grades 7 to 12!

A weekly Zoom gathering on Sundays from 6:30pm to 7:15pm.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and your preferred email for the Zoom link.


Confirmation Classes

We are currently in discussion with other churches to create a Regina-wide Confirmation Class. Wait for more information. If you are interested in Confirmation Classes, contact the office or Michelle.


Sunset United Church


Phone: 306-586-3613


177 Sunset Drive
Regina, SK, S4S 6Y7

Office Hours: see top of page