The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society says that "every child deserves to have a happy and healthy life."
What kinds of things make a happy and healthy life? Having a family, big or small, that loves you. Gathering together to sing and tell stories. Preparing and eating delicious foods that come from your family's background, using recipes that have been passed down. Living on the land where your family has been for many years.
Every kid deserves that. And lots of kids, including Indigenous kids, have that.
Some other important things are safe, comfortable schools close to home; clean water to drink and bathe in; good medical attention and someone to take care of you if you have to leave home for a little while.
Every kid deserves those things. But not every Indigenous kid gets them.
Why not?
For a long time, non-Indigenous people thought they knew what was best for Indigenous kids. This continues to this day. They don't recognize that Indigenous families and communites know best how to take care of their own children.
Because of something called the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, governments are beginning to change their minds about this, but there is still a long wayt to go. On Have a Heart Day, we are asking kids in the United Church to help remind the prime minister that all kids should be treated the same: fairly!
What can we do?
1) Send a letter to the Prime Minister. Click here to download an electronic letter that you can send to the Prime Minister.
2) Craft a valentine for the Prime Minister. You will need materials to make valentine cards: construction paper, markers, glue, and other craft supplies. If you are sending your greeting by email, take a photo of the craft and attach it to that email.
Email the prime minister: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mail the prime minister (no postage required):
Prime Minister Justin TrudeauHouse of CommonsOttawa, ON K1A 0A6
You can also bring the cards to the church office and we will send them together.
Speak from the heart and you can affect change. Learn what else you can do here.
Peace and love,
P.S.: When I first read the name of the day, I could only think of Lacy from Corner Gas while curling: "Have a Heart!" instead of hurry hard! Well, let's hurry and have a heart!
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