Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!
We have hope today. Hope for the us, for everyone. We can live in the way that Jesus asked us to. We are here to show that love is more important.
Today, we had an Easter Egg hunt for the first time in 2 years. It was wonderul to see all the kids working together to find the hidden eggs around the church.
For something different, I made up little baggies with jelly beans and included this prayer:
As you say the prayer, line up the jelly beans and look at them.
When you are done, eat the jelly beans!
RED is the robin; we see them in spring. They feed their babies, sheltered under their wings.
BLACK is the soil where seeds sprout and grow. Look closely and see so much life down below.
GREEN are the leaves on the flowers and trees. They shelter the animals, insects, and bees.
WHITE is the color of the clouds way up high.
What interesting shapes do you see in the sky?
PINK, YELLOW, and ORANGE make a beautiful sunrise. It reminds us of hope. It’s a daily surprise.
All of these are the colours of spring. They show us God’s love and the new life that God can bring.
I wish you the bes ton the wonderful day and find the colours in the prayer to see how amazing the world can be for us!
Peace and love,
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