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We are now part of the

South Regina United Community

click here to see our new homepage and information!




Welcoming and open to all



Available for ages 3 and up


COVID-19 Moving Forward

What is happening at church?


How to attend worship (in-person or online)

At Sunset, we use a hybrid model of worship; this is just a fancy way of saying we are welcoming people into the building as well as live-streaming our services direct to YouTube.

If you wish to attend in person, click here for information about what is expected when in the church.

If you are going to participate online, click here for the link to our YouTube channel. The live-stream on YouTube should be active shortly before 10:30am on Sunday mornings.

The recording of the service will also be available to view after the service has ended

You can watch as many times as you want, whenever and wherever you want!




Sunset United Church is an Affirming Ministry, located in Regina, SK on Treaty 4 Territory. 

This faith community seeks to be a safe place for people of all ages, genders, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, martial status, ability, ethnicity, economic status. 

This is a place for creative and challenging worship, for open minded spiritual exploration and growth, and for outreach into the community and globally.

You are invited to join us -- to come just as you are, regardless of which path you took to get here.

You are welcome here!


Click Here to Read More about Sunset United

Every Sunday, we encourage children of all ages to join the minister in the center of the circle for "Conversation time on the Quilt". Afterwards, children three years and older can go to Sunday School.

Sunday School

We use the Workshop Rotation Model which allows children to explore a story for a few weeks in order to be immersed in a particular story more fully. We choose a theme or idea that pertains to the story and have an activity to show the children what it means (like "love" or "overcoming obstacles").

Sunday School returns on January 11, 2015.

Contact Michelle at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling the church office if you wish to volunteer.

Youth Group

The Sunset Youth Group is for our youth from Grade 5 and up. If you wish to be part of the group, contact Michelle at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling the church office. 


K-Cups and Kids Group

Once a month, this group of young gamilies meet at the church so the parents can chat, socialize and get to know each other while their children play with each other.

Contact the office to sign up for our weekly newsletter to be notified when the next K-Cups and Kids Group meets.

Ministry Staff

Kathy Platt

Kathy Platt serves as Sunset United Church's ministry staff and writes a regular blog for the church's website. She also wrote a blog during her sabbatical in Africa.



Kathy says, "I was commissioned to diaconal ministry in the United Church of Canada in 2001. I have worked in several communities in Manitoba (Minnedosa, McCreary, Kelwood and Alonsa), and came to Sunset United in Regina in July of 2006.

One of the things that drew me to this community was the opportunity to worship “in the round” – on a Sunday morning the chairs are set up in a circle so that we can clearly see who it is we are worshiping with. I stand in the centre of the circle and speak to the gathered community rather than being somehow elevated above the community as I share whatever is on my heart this day.

We are an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada, meaning that we are living into our understanding of what it means to be welcoming of all - to live out the song that we sing often: "come just as you are - and hear the Spirit call". What drew me into ministry was my commitment to social justice and my call to pastoral ministry - reaching out my hand wherever I can so that we can join together as companions on this journey.

I am invigorated by exploring a variety of ways to be "church" together - whether it is in the circle on a Sunday morning, or on a hike in the mountains, or sitting by someone's hospital bed, or feasting together around a table. I look forward to discovering more about the community that God is calling us to be!"


 Michelle McConkey



Michelle McConkey is our Youth and Young Adult Coordinator! She is originally from Swift Current but has made Regina her home since 2005. She has two degrees from the University of Regina: one in French and one in History. She enjoys reading, singing, movies, learning, crafting and travelling!


Administrative Staff

Jayne is currently Sunset's office coordinator. Jayne is responsible for the office activities, rentals and administrative functions of the church, and acts as a liaison to the staff and congregation. She was born and raised in Regina and has remained here for most of her life. She enjoys camping, hiking, and biking with her husband and two daughters.



Sunday Worship Service

Worship at Sunset United Church starts at 10:30 a.m. between September and May.  June, July and August we worship with two other congregations and the services are at 10:00 a.m.  Check the website under Announcements for the worship schedule during this time.

We do our best to be open to where the Spirit leads us, which means providing a wide variety of worship experiences.  We worship "in the round", trusting that the circle can always be drawn wider to include whoever wants to join us.  Our prayer is that all who are gathered into community for the worship service will know the presence of God, and will be strengthened for their journey, wherever it may take them.

About the Neighbourhood

Sunset is located in SW Regina in Albert Park, a neighbourhood developed in the late 70s, early 80s, and Harbour Landing, a neighbourhood that is currently being developed. The nearby housing is predominantly single families with pockets of apartments and condos. Located in close proximity is the South Leisure Centre, the Optimist Ice Arena, Outdoor Water Park, Sunset Extendicare, Elementary School and Shopping Centre.

Quick Facts:

When can I contact the office?
Regular office hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (September to June) Tuesday through Friday.  Office hours in July are 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and the office will be closed in August.

Who do I contact with questions?
You can send an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a voice mail message (306-586-3613) and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

What makes Sunset special?
Those attending Sunset identify our music program, our commitment to being an Affirming Ministry, the strong leadership in our minister and our sense of community. Sunset also is involved in many social outreach activities.

How is Sunset working toward being inclusive?

  • We have listening devices to assist those with hearing difficulties.
  • We are printing "large print" bulletins for those with visual difficulties.
  • We strive to be a nut aware zone and a scent free worship space.
  • We officially became an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada in the fall of 2007.  We continue to work towards living into our understanding of what being "affirming" means for us as a community of believers.

What's available for my child?
On Sunday, we have a play room where parents can take their infants and toddlers, and there is Sunday School for children 3 years and up.

Please visit our Children & Youth page to see what is planned for the upcoming weeks.

Sunset United Church has a vibrant community, with activities throughout the year.  Click on a link to see current announcements, photographs of recent events or to look at "the script", our newsletter.

Why I come to Sunset

Sunset United Church


Phone: 306-586-3613

177 Sunset Drive
Regina, SK, S4S 6Y7

Office Hours: see top of page