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We are now part of the

South Regina United Community

click here to see our new homepage and information!




Welcoming and open to all



Available for ages 3 and up


COVID-19 Moving Forward

What is happening at church?


How to attend worship (in-person or online)

At Sunset, we use a hybrid model of worship; this is just a fancy way of saying we are welcoming people into the building as well as live-streaming our services direct to YouTube.

If you wish to attend in person, click here for information about what is expected when in the church.

If you are going to participate online, click here for the link to our YouTube channel. The live-stream on YouTube should be active shortly before 10:30am on Sunday mornings.

The recording of the service will also be available to view after the service has ended

You can watch as many times as you want, whenever and wherever you want!




Sunset United Church is an Affirming Ministry, located in Regina, SK on Treaty 4 Territory. 

This faith community seeks to be a safe place for people of all ages, genders, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, martial status, ability, ethnicity, economic status. 

This is a place for creative and challenging worship, for open minded spiritual exploration and growth, and for outreach into the community and globally.

You are invited to join us -- to come just as you are, regardless of which path you took to get here.

You are welcome here!


Click Here to Read More about Sunset United


Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is the means by which people are welcomed into the community of Christian faith.  While infant baptism is most common in the United Church, adult or 'believers' baptism is also practiced when mature individuals make the choice to become members.  This is also a time of celebrating the gifts of ther person being baptised.  

At the time of the baptism, the minister invites the individual forward, or in the case of infant baptism the parents bring the child forward, to stand around the font.  Water is poured into the font, after being blessed by the congregation.  Water symbolizes immersion in the life of Christ, ongoing rebirth in faith, and the renewing power of the Holy.  When children are baptized, the parents make promises on behalf of the child.  In the case of adult baptism, the individual makes promises in the presence of the gathered community.  Baptism is always done in the context of Sunday morning worship, as the child/individual is being welcomed into the wider Christian community.  After the parents or individuals promises are made, the congregation stands and makes promises to support the person being baptized as they grow in faith.

Once all the promises are made, the baptism is completed with water being poured on the individual's head with the minister speaking the words: "I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit."  Once that is done, the minister introduces the baptisee to the congregation, who welcomes the individual with joy!  Families and individuals are gifted with a baptismal certificate, a candle to light on the anniversary of the baptism, and in case of infants or children, a Family Bible.

If you would like to have a baptism at Sunset, we would be more than happy to make that happen.  The first step is to contact the church office to arrange a meeting with the minister.  The minister will come to your home or you can come to the church, which ever is easier.  The purpose of this visit is to talk a bit about why baptism is important to you, and to walk you through what to expect.   It also gives the minister the opportunity to get to know you better!



 Resource used: The Unofficial United Church Handbook.  Edited by Scott Douglas and Nanette McKay. 2007: The United Church of Canada

Sunset United Church Mission Statement

Sunset United Church as an Affirming Ministry is a nurturing Christian community of:

Joyful worship;

Open-minded faith exploration and spiritual growth;

Love, hope and Social Justice;

living out Christ’s message within and beyond Sunset.

Statement of Faith

We declare publicly our commitment to creating a community where we welcome people of all ages, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, ability, ethnicity and economic circumstance.   

At Sunset United Church, everyone can take part in every aspect of church life including: membership, leadership, celebrating life passages and marriage. We affirm that diversity is truly a gift of God and that all people belong here. 

We celebrate the richness that diversity brings to our church, even as it challenges us individually and collectively. As we continue our discovery of what it means to be an affirming and inclusive community, we understand that teaching and learning about each other is a faithful process of mutual listening and understanding. 

We pray for God's Spirit to guide us as we work for reconciliation and justice for all persons in  church and society.

Approved by Sunset Board - January 20th, 2007

Sunset United Church Mission Statement
January 20th, 2007

Sunset United Church as an Affirming Ministry is a nurturing Christian community of:

  • Joyful worship;
  • Open-minded faith exploration and spiritual growth;
  • Love, hope and Social Justice;

living out Christ’s message within and beyond Sunset.

Statement of Faith

WE declare publicly our commitment to creating a community where we welcome people of all ages, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, ability, ethnicity and economic circumstance.   At Sunset United Church, everyone can take part in every aspect of church life including: membership, leadership, celebrating life passages and marriage. We affirm that diversity is truly a gift of God and that all people belong here. We celebrate the richness that diversity brings to our church, even as it challenges us individually and collectively. As we continue our discovery of what it means to be an affirming and inclusive community, we understand that teaching and learning about each other is a faithful process of mutual listening and understanding. We pray for God's Spirit to guide us as we work for reconciliation and justice for all persons in  church and society.

Sacrament of Baptism

In the United Church of Canada, baptism is one of our Sacraments, meaning that it is seen as a visible sign of God's invisible grace.

We love celebrating baptism at Sunset United Church! Whether it is a child or an adult, baptism is primarily about celebrating the gifts of that person. When we sprinkle water on the head of the person being baptised, we are remembering and acknowledging the incredible gifts of love and of life itself. As the congregation makes their promises to be companions on this spiritual journey, there is a palpable feeling of love in the air.

If you are wondering about the possibility of baptism for your child, the first step is to contact the church office to arrange for an appointment with our minister. She will meet with you in your home or at the church for more conversation. The purpose of this first visit is for you to get to know her as well as our church community a little better. It is also an opportunity to discern if baptism is the right choice for you as a family.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Sacrament of Communion

Communion is one of the sacraments in the United Church of Canada, which means that is is a visible sign of God's invisible grace. This is an open table, where there is room for everyone - no one is excluded.

In general, we celebrate communion 4 or 5 times a year. At Sunset United Church, we believe that this is a meal that binds us together as a community - nourishing those places that need strengthening and quenching our thirst for what it is to love and to be loved. It is a meal that gives each one of us the courage that we need to move out and be engaged in building the kind of world that God dreams of for all of creation.


Why I come to Sunset

Sunset United Church


Phone: 306-586-3613

177 Sunset Drive
Regina, SK, S4S 6Y7

Office Hours: see top of page